Selling to devs
unpublished, 2022
I think non-technical salespeople selling products to developers are at a disadvantage.
Salespeople who have never written code can't possibly empathize with the process of problem solving when developers are stuck with a difficult problem (or just an annoying problem).
If you're a salesperson who has never written code, I think it can be helpful to understand how developers solve problems
For example, I was looking for a simple way for Notion to display the thumbnails of some YouTube URLs in the Board View.
- Google search
- Reddit search
- YouTube search
- ChatGPT search
- Github?
- Asking another developer
Now flip that in terms of how to structure your GTM programs
- SEO "reddit"
- YouTube videos
- ChatGPT (Source data? Custom GPTs?)
- Github "ghost" repos
- Influencers / lighthouse developers
Good luck.