Return to Zero

unpublished, 2022

One of the most important lessons I learned as a barista was how to return to zero or "get back to base".

From the outside, running a cafe or operating a business looks like a dreamy, creative endeavor. But the reality behind both bar and business is that you're actually fighting against entropy the entire time.

Returning back to zero or back to base is the idea that you reset your workstation (ideally) after every drink, but realistically in the gaps between every new rush (mis en place).

In effect that implies:

  1. Complete every drink before starting a new one.
  2. Slow down to speed up. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.
  3. Keep your tools clean and accessible (mis en place).

There's something deeply philosophical about this, but I don't know what.

But, note to self: you should probably do this more.