Working Together

Getting the team right enables you to do the right things.

A coach of mine used to share a "user manual" with his direct reports explaining how he liked to work and what working with him might feel like.

Every team should have a sense of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, proclivities and aversions. As we work together, I hope this paints a caricature of who I am and what I value.

I am an Enneagram Type 1, INFP, and a Sagittarius.

My biggest strengths are creativity, vision-casting, and ambition.

I’m excited about solving unsexy problems where I can provide unique value and earn personal meaning. I'm unafraid to take risk and put in hard work, but I'm unmotivated by status, popularity, and approval.

Time is our most valuable resource and I prefer to allocate it to work where we can have differentiated excellence.

I also value teaching, mentorship, and loyalty. I try to avoid transacational relationships and would prefer to do business as long-term friends. I'm fiercely loyal. In the past, teammates have commented on my focused attentiveness to their needs, sometimes even at the cost of my own.

I’m intensely curious and like to get to the bottom of how things work. This can sometimes lead to obsessive rabbit-holing at best, and at worst, skepticism and distraction. I work best with partners who are grounded in action and skilled at execution.

My greatest weaknesses are toxic perfectionism, people-pleasing, and aversion to authority. I'm hard on myself and that can sometimes spill over onto my team. I work best with people I admire and respect, particularly those who are emotionally level-headed and extremely organized.

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