Ira Ko
Important, Not Urgent
I have some free time to think this morning and I'
SQL: Calculating Month over Month Growth / Week over Week Change
When to use the LAG Function in SQL?
When you need to
Structured Data for Art and Play
"1950s architectural theorists are just overly expressive programmers".
I once
Working Together
Getting the team right enables you to do the right things.
Cash is the best wedding gift, but I've always found
Photobook of a Brand
Polycentral helps coffee drinkers find their preferred coffee profile.
I think about
Personality Tests
While working at high volume cafes, I noticed that whenever a new
Ira's Latte Art Bookmarks
Many of my friends own espresso machines or have access to espresso
Empty wallets, full hearts
It’s the late nights returning to Penn Station from dinners at
Jan 2022 - Music
Listened to
Sports Book Arbitrage
As a service worker, several hundred bucks can mean a few nights